We've had over 40mm of rain over the last few days in the rain-gauge in the backyard in Venus Bay. It's been so long since we've had sustained rain for more than half a day, I'd forgotten what it was like. Here's hoping we get some more - enough to fill the tanks and dams, water the ground and put out the fires in the high country. Everything was looking so dry. After only a few days of rain, you can see green returning to the landscape. The dry, brown farms around here are starting to grow grass again. The cows will be happy!
I know it hasn't been as dry here as other parts of Australia. On a recent trip to NSW, the country between Bathurst and Forbes was desolate. Our brown fields were lush by comparison. None the less, it's illuminating to see the rainfall readings to the Tarwin Lower supermarket for the past few years. In many of the months of the last year, we've had very little rain compared to even 2 years ago, and they were drought years too.
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